
Click here to read an article about our Sisterhood donating To LICares Bethpage

What is CBT Sisterhood? It is a wonderful group of terrific women who get together to build a community. From the moment you join us, you will have a sense of belonging to something special. Our goal is to create a strong connection among the women of CBT that will last a lifetime. Whether you run into a sisterhood member on the street, in a store, or in a parking lot, you will feel that connection and sense of community. We will be there for you when you celebrate the good things and when you are dealing with the challenges life throws at you. You will always find someone to greet you or to sit with. You will never feel alone.

We have some wonderful events throughout the year. We meet once a month for book club. In the fall we will have “Pizza in the Hut” for Sukkot, and our paid-up membership dinner. In the spring our fabulous fashion show will return, and we will also have the Torah Fund. Events this year include a “Welcome Back Tea” and a “Paint Night”. There will also be other events that will be planned. We are always looking for new ideas!

Fundraising is also another important part of Sisterhood. We sell calendars filled with High Holiday greetings. We send beautiful greetings to our congregants for Rosh Hashanah as well as individualized birthday and anniversary greetings. We meet  monthly to try and plan interesting programs for each meeting.

We are also involved in Social Action.  This year we are donating school supplies to needy children.  We are always looking for ways to help our community.

One of the greatest parts of sisterhood are the little things we do to make our sisters smile and laugh. Sisterhood is everything that a good and lasting friendship is and more. Come check us out!!

Sisterhood President